Pneumatic presses Safety Precautions
Pneumatic presses Safety Precautions
The operator presses the operating pressure in the process , we must concentrate prohibiting look around , but can not chat with other people and other work-related things , to prevent distraction , causing triggered accidents. On the lower die only put an artifact , and not allowed to have other metal debris, must be cleared with a hook 5-6 trips workbench fly feces , such as artifacts fill about stamping die every bite should be stopped , can not be taken out on their own . Drawing to the attention of the workpiece material clean to avoid iron filings and dust stick to the die , and should be regularly used to manually send a leap leap oil pump oil pressure , about every subject with a clean brush dipped in oil after 5-6 trips leap slide 1.
After the work is completed : two classes of operator must be a problem at work before the day of the transfer device , the situation is apt to cause accidents reported to duty squad timely manner. Operator before leaving work must undergo after turning off the power . Pneumatic presses promptly clean work surface and a groove around the debris , tools and stamping products will be neatly placed in this place when , with a dry cloth to wipe the machine and die again , die and punch edge unpainted section coated with a layer of oil Run slip , to prevent rust .
The operator and billboards found freefall slide pneumatic presses or unusual noise and products are crushed , burrs, waste and other negative phenomena , should be promptly inform each other of each other, should be turned off , such as when the wheel stops running before cleanup waste within the scope of the mold , the case is strictly prohibited without turning off the power and the runner did not stop running your hands , tools and other objects into the mold parts and clean up the area of waste to take place , to prevent accidents. Not dismantle protective devices , pneumatic presses privately treatment failure , can not drink and operate the machine into the shop . Please pneumatic presses for safe operation , because you have an expectation that you go back home